Ep 13 When You Lack Motivation For the Clutter Piles


Are your piles of clutter mocking you? Or do you have a nagging list of projects you aren’t doing? The answer to addressing these things is not more motivation, time or energy.

The answer is strengthening your “Decision Making Muscle” so that you can make empowered decisions to leave the stuff alone or to deal with it once and for all.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why you avoiding decisions;
  • How making decisions develops your self-trust;
  • When to choose to leave the piles;
  • When to choose to address the piles;
  • How to be nice to yourself no matter what.
  • Why this matters when you are discovering your purpose.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/larajohnsoncoaching

Work with Lara: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com/work-with-me/

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

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Ep 12 3 Steps to Overcoming To-Do List Paralysis


You have a lot to do, but you can't get off the couch. Instead, you zone out, scroll on your phone, and then get mad at yourself for wasting time when you should have been getting stuff done.

This is what I call, “To-Do List Paralysis.” It’s an epidemic that affects EVERY mom! Your “To-Do List Paralysis” makes you mad AND causes you to get behind on everything you have to get done. This only adds to your overwhelm and causes you to get more discouraged.

But this doesn’t have to happen, and I’ll show you how to overcome it once and for all so that you can get your to-do list done in less time and with energy to spare.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why “To-Do List Paralysis” happens;
  • The difference between being in “shut down mode” vs. “paralysis;” 
  • How to work with your brain to address it;
  • The 3 simple steps to put yourself IN motion;
  • How to get your to-do list done once you’re in...
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Ep 11 How To Get Your To-do List Done


You LOVE checking things off your to-do list, but sometimes you don’t feel like you’re making any progress so you WRITE things in to check off so you feel better about how you spent your time.

That’s ok! Who DOESN’T love checking things off a list! BUT…it’s not solving the problem of actually getting the things done that you have to do.

When you can’t get those things done, you will give up on fulfilling your purpose every time. Because at some point your list will become so overwhelming that you HAVE to stop all other pursuits to address it.

This episode will help you feel better about your to-do list while actually getting it done the things you SAY you need to get done.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How to decide what you really need to do;
  • How to self celebrate what you ARE getting done;
  • How to organize your list for success;
  • The difference between results vs. tasks;
  • When to use “unsexy time;”
  • How to create...
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Ep 10 Three Steps To Dealing With Your Kid’s Anger


Anger is an emotion that everyone has, but it’s exhausting when your kids feel it. You find yourselves refereeing sibling arguments, yelling at them to stop, then feeling guilty for showing up that way, and discouraged on how to help when they are angry.

You are not alone. Every mom,  kid, and family feels anger. Learning the tools to help your kid through their anger will bring more peace to your house. And you’ll feel better because you are being the calm mom you want to be.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why anger isn’t a problem;
  • How to get curious about your kid’s emotions;
  • How to help your kid deal with their anger better;
  • How anger can be a tool for connection instead of disconnection;
  • How to look for clues to better understand your kid’s anger;
  • When to talk about consequences after an anger episode.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/

Facebook: ...

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Ep 8 Four Steps to Making Better Decisions


If you’ve ever prayed about a decision, but not got an answer, asked everyone their opinion, but didn’t like their responses, researched the internet, but got overwhelmed by the information, and gave up on what you wanted to do, then you’re in the right place.

This comes from not understanding the WAY you make decisions. Once you get clear on that, you enter the Decision Making Cycle. Understanding this cycle will empower you to make decisions better, easier, and quicker.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The 4 steps of the Decision Making Cycle;
  • How to get out of indecision;
  • Why you give up after you make a decision;
  • How to develop self-trust, trust in God, and trust in the lessons you’ll learn;

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/larajohnsoncoaching

Work with Lara: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com/work-with-me/

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3...

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Ep 6 Discover Your Purpose with This Proven Formula


There’s something calling inside of you. It shows up when you’re watching Moana stare at the ocean or when you’re singing The Greatest Showman’s “A Million Dreams” song. You tell yourself it’s not the right time or season, yet the ringing inside of you doesn’t stop. In fact, it’s growing louder and more painful every day.

These are symptoms that God is calling you to something more. And that more is what you are on this earth to do. That is your purpose. Once you learn how to discover it, you will step into a current that will take you to places you once only dreamed of. And you’ll do that WHILE being the present, playful mom you want to be.

What you'll learn in this episode:

  • What this feeling is inside of you;
  • The 3 most common myths about your purpose;
  • How answering your purpose HELPS you in motherhood;
  • How to work in partnership with God in answering your purpose;
  • The proven AND simple formula that will help you...
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Ep 3 Feel Better By Making Friends With Your Emotions

Emotions rule the roost in your body. When you work against them, they have the power to shut you down and make your life harder. But when you understand and work WITH your emotions, life becomes richer and more joyful.

This is one episode that will change your life forever.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What emotions are and where they come from;
  • Why you look over our shoulder for the next bad thing coming;
  • Why you yell at kids, scroll your phone, eat junk food, drink too much, shop instagram ads, and binge whole series when you feel bad;
  • A new way to process emotions that will help you feel better faster;
  • Why feeling emotions helps you feel better and not worse.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/larajohnsoncoaching

Work with Lara: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com/work-with-me/

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

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Ep 1. You Are Worth Celebrating


Every time you set a goal and tell yourself you didn’t do a good enough job. Or minimized how much you got done on your to-do list. Or focused on all the ways you are failing as a mom, your brain THINKS it’s helping you become better. In reality, it’s causing you to drown in the good life you have.

Learning how to celebrate yourself is the ONE SKILL that will change that. It will give you the fuel and encouragement to keep going. It will keep you from sabotaging your success. AND it will make you feel better about the progress you ARE making. THIS is the first and most critical step to living life ON purpose.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why your brain is sabotaging you;
  • The skill of celebration and why its ESSENTIAL for you in your life;
  • The benefit to you AND your family when you celebrate yourself;
  • How to sit with your discomfort of joy.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/


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