Ep 16 How to Make Goals Not Suck (part 1)


If you burnout when working towards goals OR if your skin crawls just hearing the word “goals,”  it’s because you’ve been taught to have an unhealthy relationship with them.

It’s time to heal your relationship with goals by using a tool I created called, “The Goal Cycle.” Knowing how to use this tool will help you reach your goals AND make the process not suck.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why you hate setting goals;
  • 4 goal myths that are making you miserable;
  • 3 reasons why it’s fun to have goals;
  • “The Goal Cycle” and how to use it;
  • What part of “The Goal Cycle” is the most important.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/larajohnsoncoaching

Work with Lara: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com/work-with-me/

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

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